The EUROSHIP team at the University of Sussex Digit Centre held their second National Stakeholder Committee meeting on 30th July via zoom. The meeting was attended by stakeholders from Working Families (@WorkingFamUK), Community Base (@CommunityBase), Youth Employment (@YEUK2012) and North London Citizens (@NLondonCitizens). Further follow up meetings are pending with Amaze (@AmazeSussex), the Bevy (@theBevy) and the Voluntary Organisation Disability Group (@VODGmembership) who were unable to make it on the day. The meeting was an opportunity to meet with key stakeholders to discuss the upcoming interview phase of the research and how we may collaborate in the next steps of the project.
The interviews are intended to build on the policy analysis already conducted and give voice to those living in hardship, enabling them to describe the practical realities of their experiences. The Committee gave valuable feedback sharing their expertise and insights around the communities they represent. Factors such as: the importance of changing cultures and behaviours for first and second generation migrants; the language used to discuss ethnicities; and recognising the importance of place in shaping opportunities and outcomes for people, were indicative of the practical tips stakeholders were able to share. Their recommendations and lively input will now be embedded in how the research team approach the recruitment of interview participants.
Following the useful discussions, the Sussex team will now work with Committee members to reach out to their networks and recruit interviewees. Useful contacts in other community organisations will be followed up. This will enable the project to learn from how key moments of transition in life affect the risks of poverty and social exclusion for young people, prime age workers and older people. Their input will help shape the policy recommendations produced by EUROSHIP ensuring they are meaningful and address the challenges people face.
We look forward to working with the team again and sharing insights from the interviews at our final committee meeting on 11 March 2022, hopefully this time in person!