Work Package 5
The overall aim of WP5 is to examine mechanisms that may foster or hamper opportunities for young adults to achieve quality jobs allowing them to qualify for adequate social protection coverage and avoid in-work poverty. WP5 will disentangle the relationships between labour market transitions and in-work poverty and well-being. Its objectives are to:
- Describe the quality of work among working youth before, during and after the Great Recession
- Examine the labour market trajectories of youth to detect if in-work poverty is foremost a low-wage or an unemployment problem in countries with different social protection systems and labour market structures. Given the gendered nature of labour markets, we pay special attention to gender differences.
- Evaluate the concept of quality of work and its relationship to risk of in-work poverty in a life-course perspective

Prof Marge Unt
Work Package Leader

Prof Jacqueline O'Reilly
Work Package Co-Leader