
Università Degli Studi Di Milano
Established in 1924, the University of Milan is a public teaching and research-intensive university. It is the only Italian university among the 21 prestigious members of LERU (League of European Research Universities), as well as an internationally high-ranked institution. With a teaching staff of about 2,200 tenured professors and almost 60,000 students, the University of Milan is the largest university in Lombardy, one of the most dynamic EU regions. Resources devoted to EUROSHIP is located at the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences, in the Department of Social and Political Sciences (SPS). The Department was ranked first among the large Italian departments of social sciences in the 2004-10 research assessment. Importantly, it is one of the leading institutions in Italy concerning the analysis of social and employment policies, political dynamics in the fields of work and welfare, as well as on the social dimension of the European Union.

Full Professor of Political Science and Director of the PhD programme in Political Studies at the Department of Social and Political Sciences. He is also National coordinator within the European Social Policy Network (ESPN), co-Director of the International Observatory for Social Cohesion and Inclusion-OCIS, Director of the Welfare Laboratory at Centro Einaudi, Turin. His research focuses on comparative welfare states and European social governance. He published in journals such as European Societies, Journal of Social Policy, Social Policy and Administration, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. His latest edited volume is Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion in the EU: A Chance in Europe, Routledge, 20.

PhD in Political Science and Associate Professor (tenure track) at the University of Milan. Former visiting scholar at the CEE at Sciences Po and at the LKYSPP at the National University of Singapore, her research recently focuses on the theories of the policy process, policy entrepreneurship, policy leadership, and policy advice. She has worked on urban planning, social housing and social assistance at the local level, and on the reforms of local public services in Italy. Her recent work appeared in Social Policy and Administration, Policy and Society, and European Policy Analysis. She is currently editorial manager of the Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche.

Full professor of economic sociology. He has a long and extensive experience in the field of employment and industrial relations. His main current research interests concern labour market regulation and policies, as well as industrial and employment relations. He has both participated and coordinated several research projects in these fields since the early 1990s at both national and international level. He has collaborated with the International Labour Office, the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, and the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions on several occasions.

PhD degree from the University of Milan. Her research interests include comparative social policies, health care policies, pension policy and anti-poverty policies. She is currently working on the welfare state evolution and change in developing countries, with a particular reference to the Albanian case.

Ph.D. in Political Science and Sociology from Scuola Normale Superiore and is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Milan, Italy. His research interests include comparative welfare state policies, European public policy, welfare state reforms, income inequality and regime change dynamics. He was a visiting fellow at the Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy (SOCIUM) of the University of Bremen and at the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research in Vienna. He collaborates and publishes with Istituto Carlo Cattaneo (Bologna).