
Tárki Social Research Institute

Dr. Univ in Sociology, Managing Director and Senior Researcher at TÁRKI. He supervise day-to-day operation of TÁRKI and manage data collection activity. His research interest covers income inequalities and poverty and social policy evaluation. In the last decade he is also involved in a project aim at incorporate Hungary into the Europe-wide Tax-Benefit Microsimulation Model (EUROMOD), and took part great European projects like GINI, Improve and Reference Budget as researcher. Prior to TÁRKI, he worked for the Hungarian Central Statistical Office as senior officer/manager at Living Standard Statistics.

Zsófia Tomka has been working as a project assistant at TÁRKI since 2020. She did her Master’s studies in Nationalism Studies at the Central European University, as well as at the Freie Universität Berlin in the programme Sociology – European Societies. She earned her BA degree in Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Eötvös Loránd University. At TÁRKI, apart from the EUROSHIP project, she is participating in the research project InGRID-2 as well, also related to studying poverty and social exclusion in the EU.