
Università Degli Studi Firenze
The University of Florence can trace its origins to the Studium Generale, which was established in 1321, and it is one of the largest organizations for research and higher education in Italy with over 50,000 students, 1,700 teaching and research staff, 1,600 technical and administrative staff and 1,600 PhD students and research fellows. Recently, the University of Florence has been ranked among top Italian Universities for the distribution of national research funds, and it is one of the most active Italian universities in terms of European projects and related grants. The project EUROSHIP is located in the Department of Economics and Management (DISEI). DISEI represents an important and influential centre for research and higher training on economics at local, national and international level.

Currently holds the position of Professor Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Business Sciences at University of Florence, Academic Director of the BA in Economic Development, International Socio-sanitary Cooperation and Conflict Management, Italy. Prof. M. Biggeri has published extensively in abroad range of international journals and he is the co-author and/or co-editor of twenty books in areas of Multilevel Governance, ecosystems for social enterprises, social innovation and quality of life and poverty. His research interests include research methods, local and industrial development, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), SMEs clusters, sustainable human development, international cooperation, social innovation children well-being, persons with disabilities well-being and impact evaluation.

Currently holds the position of post-doc researcher on social inclusion at the Department of Economics of the University of Florence. She received her PhD in development economics at the University of Florenceand was a visiting scholar at Oxford University as parts of its Young Lives projects. Co-coordinator of the group “Children ant the Youth” of the Human Development & Capability Association. She has worked for UNDP and UNICEF. She worked in Senegal, Algeria, Jordan and India. Her research interests include gender mainstreaming in local planning, child poverty and disability.

Currently holds the position of Unit Coordinator and lecturer of Human Development and International Cooperation at the Department of Economics of the University of Florence. Federico’s research focuses on disability, resilience, rural development, and impact evaluation. He has coordinated several research projects in Italy and in developing countries such as Ethiopia and Palestine. Federico also teaches impact evaluation methodologies in international residential schools in Italy and abroad. He holds a Ph.D. in the Politics and Economics of Developing Countries from the University of Florence and published on several peer reviewed journals

Lucia Ferrone (Ph.D.) is a development economist. She has earned her Doctorate in April 2014 from the University of Florence, Italy. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Florence (Italy). She is also adjunct professor in Development Economics and International Cooperation for the undergraduate program in Economic Development, International Cooperation and Conflict Management. She has previously (2014-2018) worked as a research associate at UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti (Florence, Italy), where she was one of the leading researchers on measurement of multidimensional child poverty. She is occasionally a consultant for UNICEF and other international agencies and organizations. She is a quantitative researcher and her research interest lie in child poverty, multidimensional poverty, gender equality and women’s empowerment, and migration.