
Tallinn University
Tallinn University is a public institution of higher education. TU is the third largest university in Estonia with more than 8,000 students and 850 employees, incl. 420 academics (full time position). Its main strengths lie in the fields of humanities and social sciences, but it also has a strong and constantly growing component of natural and exact sciences, as well as a notable tradition of teacher training and educational research. The University has committed itself to the strategic goal of becoming an international research university with a strong social conscience and a flexible and collegial environment for learning and personal growth. The EUROSHIP team members are located in the Institute of International Social Studies (IISS), an interdisciplinary research and development institute at Tallinn University. The IISS participates in numerous local and international research projects. Research fellows of IISS participate as experts in public discussion and as evaluators in policy planning.

Professor and the Head of the Institute of International Social Studies at Tallinn University, Estonia. Her research interests lie especially in life-course in comparative perspective, namely the youth transitions in adulthood, early career and late career dynamics and the role of social institutions. Lately, she was the PI of a Horizon 2020 project ‘Social exclusion of Youth in Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer (EXCEPT)’ (2015-2018). Currently she participates in Horizon2020 projects ‘Platform Labour in Urban Spaces: Fairness, Welfare, Development’ (PLUS), ‘European Cohort Development Project’ (ECDP) and EUROSHIP as well as the international project “Analyzing social constructions of ageing masculinities and their cultural representations in contemporary European literatures and cinemas” (MASCAGE). She is also PI of ‘Gender Wage Gap in Estonia’ project funded by European Regional Fund. Unt belongs to the Steering Committee of Skills Forecasting in Estonia and Estonian SHARE survey and has advised the preparation process of the registries-based census on labour market issues in Estonia. She has acted in several occasions as Estonian national expert in evaluation studies or as a reviewer at EU level, lately in Study supporting the 2020 Evaluation of the support to promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination by the European Social fund.

Currently working as Associate Professor in Sociology at Tallinn University. She obtained her PhD from VU University Amsterdam (The Netherlands) in 2011. Her research interests are social inequality and social justice, labor market transitions (incl. transition into and out of labormarket), and work-family reconciliation. Kadri Täht has been involved in various international research projects, such as Globalife, TransEurope, EXCEPT. She is currently (co)leading projects on time use (“My time, your time, our time”). Household time allocation–choice or inevitability?) and gender paygap in Estonia (“Reducing gender wage gap”), both funded by Estonian Research Council.

Associate Professor at Tallinn University, School of Governance, Law and Society. She has a background in psychology and social pedagogy (BSc, 2001, Tallinn University) and social psychology (MSc, 2004, Tallinn University) and holds a PhD degree from the University of Bath, UK (2009). Dr Märtsin has held academic positions in a number of international universities. Before joining Tallinn University, she was a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology and Counselling at Queensland University of Technology in Australia.
Dr Märtsin is a cultural developmental psychologist, whose research focuses on families’ experiences of disruption and transition and examines how culture guides transitions and enables people to make sense of their development. The two main contexts of her empirical work are migration and family-work-school relations. Her research builds on arts-based and participatory methodologies.
Dr Märtsin has led several individual internally and externally funded research projects and has a strong international publication record in the area of cultural psychology. She is an Associate Editor of a leading international journal Culture & Psychology (SAGE) and a member of the editorial board of the journal Human Arenas (Springer). She serves as a reviewer for a number of quality international journals in the area of cultural psychology and qualitative research methods and is a member of the European Doctoral Network in Sociocultural Psychology (CUPSYNET).

Tõnis Saarts is an Associate Professor of Comparative Politics at Tallinn University. His research interests include politics, policy-making and social and political transformations in Central and Eastern Europe. His articles have appeared in European Societies, East European Politics, Studies of Transition States and Societies, and Problems of Post-Communism.

Works as research assistant in Institute of International Social Studies where her main tasks involve supporting the implementation of research projects. Since 2017 she is also the managing editor of the open-access interdisciplinary journal Studies of Transition States and Societies, published by School of Governance Law and Society and IISS. Lastly, Epp also manages the web-page, Facebook and Twitter accounts of IISS. Epp has acquired a master’s degree in sociology from Tallin University.