
OsloMet is Norway’s third largest university with 21,000 students, 2,200 employees, 4 faculties and 4 national research centres. OsloMet has Norway’s largest scientific community in welfare policy research. The university has experience of coordinating or participating in programmes such as Horizon 2020, FP7, EU Health Programs, Marie S. Curie, COST and EEA Norway Grants. OsloMet’s key personnel in EUROSHIP includes professors and researchers from the Department of social work, child welfare and social policy, and Norwegian Social Research (NOVA).

PhD. in Sociology, is Professor of Social Policy in the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy, Oslo Metropolitan University. Halvorsen’s main interests are European and comparative welfare policy, social citizenship, EU social policy, and citizenship movements. He has extensive international experience from scientific coordination and participation in large, cross-national research projects funded by the Research Council of Norway, the Nordic Council of Ministers and the European Union (FP7).

Kaarina Ritson is Project Manager in EUROSHIP and Senior Research Adviser at the Faculty of Social Sciences, OsloMet. She holds a multidisciplinary MA degree in Society, Science and Technology in Europe, ESST, University of Oslo. She has long experience in advising researchersin social sciences and humanities on EUs framework programs for research and innovation, especially HORIZON 2020, as well as on other international and Norwegian research funding schemes. In addition, she has served as Project Manager for a large nationally funded research project in the field of inclusive social welfare at the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Senior Researcher at NOVA Norwegian Social Research, Oslo Metropolitan University. She holds a PhD from the European University Institute and works in the field ofcomparative welfare state research. Her interests include the welfare mix, the politics and social consequences of welfare state reforms, intergenerational solidarity and the interplay between climate and social policy. She has published on topics such as the Nordic welfare state model, the eco-social agenda in Europe and early job insecurity. She has experience from several large collaborative international research projects.

PhD in Sociology 1992, Professor of Sociology since 1995, current attachment: NOVA Norwegian Social Research, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. Main areas of research have been organisation studies, public administration, governance, comparative welfare policy, social citizenship, disability, EUpolicy, and the interface between welfare and climate mitigation policies. Over the last 25 years, he has led a number of large, cross-national research projects financed by Norwegian, Nordic and European research funders (incl. EC FP7 and H2020). He had had positions at the universities of Oslo, Trondheim and Tromsø, and been visiting scholar / guest professor in Edinburgh, Umeå, Helsinki, Bremen, Copenhagen, Lund and Tokyo.

PhD. in Sociology, is an associate professor in the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy, and the Vice-Dean for Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, OsloMetropolitan University, Norway. His fields of interests include employment-oriented social policies(activation, vocational rehabilitation), social inequalities in health, new social risks and European social policy.

Associate Professor in social work in the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. Her research interests include social work and social policy research, comparative integration policy studies and welfare services research

PhD in Social work and Social policy. Postdoctoral Fellow /Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. Saltkjel’s main research interests are comparative social policy and welfare research with a particular emphasis on the risk of welfare problems among disadvantaged groups in different social policy contexts.

PhD in Sociology, Professor of Social Policy at Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. He has conducted research on social inequalities in health, health-related and socioeconomic inequalities in employment, poverty, social exclusion and welfare attitudes. He has in particular focused on comparative analyses of the role of social protection policies in these issues, and is currently leading two large Nordic register research projects